Sunday, December 30, 2007

As promised...more pictures!

Makayla, Max, and I dressed up for Children's Mass on Christmas Eve. It was a lot of fun because little kids did the Christmas pageant. This is us in front of my Christmas tree.
Mommy, Daddy, and I pose before going to Mass.
My puppies aren't allowed on the new carpet, so they have to stay on their blankets in the dining room. I visit them often, though. I think they like it when I visit them because they know I give them food.
Aunt Nettie got us some matching pajamas. La La didn't want to wear them, but she did. My friends, Sydney and Ellie, came over with their mommy and daddy for soup for Christmas Eve. It was fun!
This is Christmas Day with Daddy. We went over to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Grandma Great was there, along with Uncle Doug, Aunt Nettie, Max, and La La. Great's sister, Shareen, came over for dinner, too. I got lots of fun things for Christmas. I love my kitchen. It has a lot of wooden food, as well as pots and pans. I like to string the stuff all over the house so Mommy has to pick up after me. Mommy and La La had to let go of control and let me put food where it doesn't belong. If I want to put the peanut butter in the oven, I do! I also put ice cream sandwiches in the microwave. It works for me!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Pics

Even though the family got hit with the stomach flu, things didn't slow us down much. Uncle Matt came over for a few days which was a lot of fun. Aunt Nettie, Unc Doug and the kids joined us and we went up by Anthony Lakes to a great A-frame cabin. We had so much fun we decided to stay two nights. We played in the snow, played games, and made great sledding runs just outside the cabin.
Max is proud of his Star Wars snowman.
After a long day of playing...
After a fast trip to take Matt back to the Boise airport, Daddy and Doug decided to build "jumps!" One would think that they caught some serious air with the look on Daddy's face. Mattie had a lot of fun with us, too. Jeter prefers to be inside where it was warm, next to the fire.
Max liked to ride double. Here Mommy and Max are hoping to make it between the two trees! Overall, we had a blast. Mommy will put more pictures of me in my pretty dresses next time. The pictures are on Aunt Nettie's camera, so we need to get the rest. Hope you all had a very, Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

More new pictures...

Mommy showed me how to eat olives off my fingers in the first picture. I helped Grammy in the kitchen at Thanksgiving in Lincoln City. I even had my own apron and spoon! I had to take a goldfish break, however. It was exhausting! The drawer in the stove distracted me from my work a bit. It was too fun to sit in.

This is my baby. I don't understand why she gets to have a bottle and I do not. hair is getting long. My mom says it looks like I have a mullet. I keep telling her that they are back in style. She's hoping the back will grow some some so we can cut it into a "bob," but I have just enough curl to make things difficult. I'm getting very excited for Christmas! I can't wait. I LOVE the snow and like to catch it on my tongue.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lots of events since last time...

Here are some pictures of me discovering the leaves of fall, as well as me in my chicken costume. I like to wear it even though it is well past Halloween!

I still LOVE bath time!

When Mommy and Daddy were working on remodeling some of the house, they also had to fix a pipe in the kitchen. I think Daddy really likes it when I help him!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Paige's New Hair-Do!

Paige played dress up when at Cousin Tami's. She put on Grandma Mark's wig and pulled off the look quite nicely! :) She is a very funny little gal and LOVES to make people laugh at her. She likes to squint her eyes when she smiles like her Grandpa Dan. :) You can see that she is finally getting more teeth. She had four on top and two on the bottom for the longest time, and then she got about seven all at once.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Paige loves music. She thinks it is very fun to sit at the piano and play her own tune. This was after church one day. She sported a black velvet jacket that received quite a few smiles from the older ladies at church. She's about due for a's getting a big out of control.

Friday, September 28, 2007

My Tio Pat :)

Mommy says that this is what Daddy looks like when he sleeps, just with a skinnier face. :) I still have really long eye lashes.

Uncle Pat, who teaches spanish, gave me this shirt. He thought it would be funny for Uncle Matt to see since he's in Guatemala. It says, "Uncle Pat is my favorite."

Friday, September 21, 2007

Daddy and His Little Yankee Girl

Daddy and I decided it was only fitting that we dress up in our nice Yankee attire to go watch the game with the Schott family. We ended up losing by one after 14 innings! It was a hard loss, especially when we're two and a half games behind Boston. We did, however, look good while watching!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Sorry for the delay in pictures. My mom is back to school, so she isn't as good at puting new pictures of me on the blog. Life is very busy around here, and I am very social with going to school events, Cousin Tami's, and soccer practices/games. I "dribbled" my little pink soccer ball last week and you'd have thought I had conquered the world according to my dad! I'm growing big and love to walk and fall. I also really like to climb onto thing--even if that means risking getting into trouble like when I climbed onto the end table last week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lil Stinker...

Daddy made me look funny! Now that my hair is longer, I can have great hair styles in the bath tub, as well as have AWESOME bed head!!

I got this outfit from my cousins, Loren and Sue. I think if I were bigger, it would be a cute first day of school dress. :) It was chillier yesterday morning, so I wore tights and a long sleeve underneath. By the afternoon, however, I ditched the tights and cowboy boots. Cousin Makayla came over and stayed a few days with me, so we took our picture together. I love Max and Makayla. They make me LAUGH!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Max n Paige

Cousin Max came over and played with me this morning. We had matching clothes on so Mommy decided we needed our picture taken. I love Max. He makes me laugh!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

July and August Pics--FINALLY!

The top picture on the right is when Grammy and Papa came over earlier this summer. We went for a hike by Anthony Lakes and I got tired.

We went to Lincoln City to visit Grammy and Papa after we worked on my uncles' house in Portland. We had lots of fun. We went on a hike (pictured above in the grass), played in the ocean, and even made candles in the sand like Grammy used to do when she was little. I really, really liked the water even though it was very cold. I wanted to go back for more, but my mommy and daddy thought my feet were going to fall off. The hike was called Cascade Head and it was right above the ocean. It was pretty.

The weather was so nice, I even got to play in the swimming pool at Grammy and Papa's.

Uncle Matt was home from Guatemala where he teaches. (Daddy says that's where his real Mommy and Daddy live.) We helped them work on their house in Portland. Uncle Pat is the one on the left, Uncle Matt is on the right.

We also went to Seattle this summer. Again, I LOVED the water and enjoyed being pulled around in my hippo. Grandpa was chicken to go too deep because he was cold. Makayla likes to swim as much as I do, so I can always count on her to go with me.

This is my Uncle Dave and his grandson, Jameson. We had crazy hair after we went swimming. Uncle Dave makes me laugh. He looks like my grandpa.

This is me, playing in the water again! I can't get enough of the water!

This is my friend, Ellie. We were born three days apart. We were at some friends house for the 4th of July. The fireworks scared me, so Grammy and Papa took me home to go to bed. Ellie fell asleep during the festivities! She's so brave! I hope next year I don't freak out as much.

We had dinner at my mommy's cousin's house while in Seattle. They put some pretties in my hair, so I thought I'd pose. Don't I look excited?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Being Mischievous!

Where'd these come from? Have they been here the whole time and I've missed the fun? I was rather amused by the new escape route, but Mom and Dad weren't as happy for me.

Grammy and Papa come today and are going to be so excited to see all of my new tricks!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paige's First Birthday

I had my first birthday on Saturday. Lots of people came to help me celebrate. I LOVE frosting...that's my favorite part. I especially liked all of th attention I got when eating, so I really hammed it up for my audience. After my night of partying I was really excited to play with my bubble machine. Cousin Max was pretending to eat them while Gpa blew the bubbles. I thought it was hilarious!

This was my "pool party." It was chilly, but I still LOVED being in the water. My friend, Sydney, and cousin, Max, enjoyed it just as much!

Aunt Nettie decorated my cake. Isn't it fun? Mommy and Daddy make cupcakes that looked like beach balls as well.

I was ready for my pool party in my watermelon suit. Overall it was a blast! I was sure tired!!