Monday, June 30, 2008

Some Pics and a "Not So Private" Moment

Grammy and Papa got me a magnetic doll set. I like to pick out outfits and tell Mommy, "Cute." Mommy and Daddy got me a new table at IKEA for my birthday. I love it, and I have found it especially useful to use as a ladder to get to the window where Mommy keeps the lotion and other fun stuff that I am not supposed to get. I LOVE to climb. Mommy thinks my first broken bone will be from falling out of a tree.

I've been talking about going "potty" a lot, so my mom took me seriously and bought me a new toilet. I spent TWENTY minutes on my new potty the other night because I thought it was pretty cool. I think Mommy was getting bored. She kept calling Grandma to see if this was what was supposed to happen. She'd go potty next to me, then sit on the floor. She even turned the water on to help, as well as got me a good book. I was so excited, I kept standing up to see if anything was there! NOTHING!! So, after 20 minutes, I stood up again and looked. I started to go pee when I was checking on my progress. My mom got all excited and yelled, "Paigey, you're going potty!" and whirled me on to the seat. The music went off and you'd think that confetti was going to fall from above, but with my mommy getting excited and the music, I freaked out and hugged her tight and said, "No. No. No." How embarassing. What's the big deal? So...the potty chair is not as exciting as it was at first, but I keep sitting on it, standing up to see if anything is there, and waiting...
Mommy thinks I've been hanging out with Grandpa a lot. This is how he wears his pants--nice and high. We have the same sort of belly, too.

1 comment:

nickandhil'sfamily said...

Hey Dana! Cute pictures and hilarious stories-I love the potty training. Since she learned to wear her pants like Grandpa, did she learn to read on the potty from him? Maybe it just comes naturally!